Case Study 2

Student B, a 17-year-old boy, was a self-referral via the student support team. Student B was struggling with his motivation, feeling down and angry with his parents. Student B felt that his life was an uphill struggle and could not see his way out of this sadness. He was disengaging from learning, falling behind in his three subjects, and feeling exceptionally low.
Key Issues
- Student B was angry and disillusioned with life. He was hating on himself for his past behaviours and his most recent angry outburst at home towards his Mum.
- Student B was an outstanding sportsman but had lost interest and was showing some unhealthy perfectionism.
- Student B had grown up in another part of the world and moved to the UK after his parents divorced. He was carrying a lot of anger and resentment from this time that he had attempted to bury.
- Student B was sabotaging his education to get back at his parents.
Intervention and Support
- I was able to help Student B work through the significant life events that had led to his current feelings and beliefs. That his feelings were understandable given his tough life experiences. To explain that what he was feeling was Okay, but some of the ways he was expressing those emotions were bad choices. I helped him see that it was normal to feel angry with anyone, but there were other ways to express that anger. More healthy ways that would help him, and others to grow.
- We began punchbag work to get his anger out. We did some intentional anger work through letter writing followed by tearing it up, visualising happy places and Vagal breathing work.
- I encouraged him to begin talking to his parents, easing him into taking responsibility for his emotions and the healthy expression of them.
- I taught him to talk to his younger self like a mentor in his mind, rather than berate himself. I showed him how to notice his emotions, rather than attach to them. To challenge negative self-talk and to reframe his experiences.
- I taught him the art of ‘Daring Greatly’, from the work of Brene Brown and that struggle was part of our contract with a meaningful life, not separate from it.
“Following my sessions with Roisin, I can honestly say, hand on heart that they have been an enormous help to me.
Before and during lockdown (March 2020) I struggled to find motivation to do anything, even getting out of bed. Instead, I found solace in countless hours playing on my PS4. No matter what I tried, I couldn’t understand the feelings behind my lack of motivation.
During my first session with Roisin, she helped me to find the deep-rooted issues I was struggling with and to find the necessary tools to deal with them. I now have a better understanding of my emotional and mental health and realised some issues I was facing went back into my past experiences and upbringing. As a result, I have been able to forgive myself and my parents. I have been able to build a stronger relationship with them and am now able to move forward with my life.
If you feel lost, doubting your own feelings, thinking they are just mere thoughts, try one session with Roisin. I know she has helped me find a clearer and happier pathway and has armed me with the tools I will undoubtedly use.“
Student B – Year 13
- Student B achieved 3 good A Level passes in his final exams.
- Student B is now at University studying his chosen subject
- Student B’s relationship with his parents has continued to grow.